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Neo Geo Rom Snk Vs Capcom

exflagnina1986 2021. 1. 21. 07:13

Capcom - Card Fighters Clash - Capcom Version ROM Download for Neo Geo Pocket - CoolROM.com NOTE: Play this ROM on your PC by using a compatible emulator. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus (bootleg) File information Filename svcsplus.zip File size 41.34 MB Category NeoGeo Language. Genre Platform Developer bootleg Year 2003 Player(s) 1 - 2 Controller Panel Media Cartridge Online since This game has been downloaded 4448 times.

: Motorola 68000 (12 MHz)
Processeur Sonore : Zilog Z80A (4 MHz) + YM2610 (8 MHz)
Rendu Sonore
: YM2610 - (8 MHz)
3 voies PSG / 4 voies FM
7 voies PCM (1 voie ADPCM 4 bits de 1,8 à 44 kHz et 6 voies ADPCM 4 bits à 18 kHz)
Résolution graphique : 320x224 pixels - Palette : 65536 couleurs
Couleurs simultanées : 4,096 - Sprites simultanés : 380
Taille minimale des sprites : 1x2 - Taille maximale d'un sprite : 16x512
Nombre de plans d'affichage : 3
: 64 kio de mémoire de travail,
RAM : 74 kio de mémoire vidéo (64kio de mémoire vidéo principale/2kio de 'fast video'
/8kio'palette RAM'
RAM : 2 kio de mémoire dédiée au Z80Sauvegarde : carte mémoire amovible

Neo Geo Rom Snk Vs Capcom


Neo Geo Pocket Snk Vs Capcom Rom

Emulateur NeoRage X5.0 + Bios 1.3 (4.21 Mo)
WinKawaks 1.6.3 (Us/Fr)
MaMe0.15 / MaMe0.15Plus

Bios Neo-Geo (indispensable aux émulateurs!!!)
The Unofficial SNK Neo Geo Games Encyclopedia of Moves & Codes

- NeoRage X 5.4e pour Windows
Dernière version hacker, qui permet de lancer tous les jeux les plus récent. Contiens déjà la rom de bios.

- NeoRage X 0.6b pour Win 95, Win 98, Win Me, Win 2000, Win XP, Win 2003, Vista 32bits
Version officielle
Capcom vs snk psx rom
- NeoRageX XP pour Win XP
Version non officiel, mais qui est mieux supporté sous Windows XP

Roms 0/A --> K
Roms K --> M
Roms N --> Z

Neo geo snk vs capcom rom
Les plus télechargés / most downladed

Metal Slug X (1999)

Metal Slug X : Super Vehicle-001

The Last Blade 2 (1996)

Sortie : 1998. https://cespolserrep.tistory.com/8. Combat.

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 : The Newcomers (1998)

Real Bout Garō Densetsu 2 The Newcomers

The King of Fighters '98 (1998)

The King of Fighters '98 : Dream Match Never Ends

Metal Slug 3 (2000)

Sortie : 23 mars 2000. Action et shoot'em up.

Samurai Shodown IV : Amakusa's Revenge (1996)

Samurai Spirits: Amakusa's Descent

Blazing Star (1998)

Sortie : 12 février 1998. Mugen for mac os x download. Shoot'em up.

Magical Drop III (1997)

Puzzle game.

Aero Fighters 2 (1994)

Sonic Wings 2

Twinkle Star Sprites (1996)

Tinkuru Sutaa Supuraitsu

Liste des jeux


3 Count Bout
2020 Super Baseball
Aggressors of Dark Kombat
Alpha Mission 2
Andro Dunos
Art of Fighting
Art of Fighting 2
Art of Fighting 3
Bakatono's Mahjong
Bang Bead
Baseball Stars 2
Baseball Stars Professional
Battle Flip Shot
Blazing Star
Blue's Journey
Breaker's Revenge
Burning Fight
Captain Tomaday
Crossed Swords
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Set 2
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus
Double Dragon
Fatal Fury
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury 3
Fatal Fury Special
Fight Fever
Football Frenzy
Galaxy Fight
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Ghost Lop
Ghost Pilots
Goal! Goal! Goal!
Jonas Indiana
Jyanshin Densetsu
Kabuki Klash
Karnov's Revenge
King of Fighters '94
King of Fighters '95
King of Fighters '96
King of Fighters '96 (Bootleg)
King of Fighters '97
King of Fighters '97 Plus
King of Fighters '97 Plus Set 2
King of Fighters '98
King of Fighters '99
King of Fighters 2000
King of Fighters 2001
King of Fighters 2001 Plus
King of Fighters 2001 Plus Set 2
King of Fighters 2002
King of Fighters 2002 Plus
King of Fighters 2002 Plus Set 2
King of Fighters 2002 Plus Set 3
King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus
King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus 2
King of Fighters 2003
King of Fighters 2004 Hero
King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus
King of Fighters Special Edition 2004
King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 Plus
King of Fighters 10th Anniversary
King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Unique
King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus
King of Gladiator
King of the Monsters
King of the Monsters 2
Kizuna Encounter
Lansquenet 2004
Last Resort
League Bowling
Legend of Success Joe
Magical Drop 2
Magical Drop 3
Magician Lord
Mahjong Kyoretsuden
Maruko's Deluxe Quiz
Metal Slug
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 4
Metal Slug 4 Plus
Metal Slug 5
Metal Slug 5 Plus
Metal Slug X
Minnasanno Okagesa
Money Idol Exchanger
Mutation Nation
Neo Bomberman
Neo Drift Out
Neo-Geo Cup '98
Neo Mr. Do!
Neo no Panepon
Neo Pong
Neo Turf Masters
Nightmare in the Dark
Ninja Combat
Ninja Commando
Ninja Master's
Over Top
Panic Bomber
Pleasure Goal
Pochi & Nyaa
Poker Night
Pop 'n Bounce
Power Instinct Matrimelee
Power Spikes 2
Prehistoric Isle 2
Puzzle Bobble
Puzzle Bobble 2
Puzzle de Pon!
Puzzle de Pon! R
Quiz Detective
Quiz Detective Part 2
Quiz King of Fighters
Rage of the Dragons
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
Riding Hero
Robo Army
Samurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown II
Samurai Shodown III
Samurai Shodown IV
Samurai Shodown V
Samurai Shodown V Special
Savage Reign
Sengoku 2
Sengoku 3
Shock Troopers
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
SNK vs. Capcom
SNK vs. Capcom Plus
SNK vs. Capcom Plus Set 2
SNK vs. Capcom Super Plus
Soccer Brawl
Sonic Wings 2
Sonic Wings 3
Spin Master
Stakes Winner
Stakes Winner 2
Street Hoop
Strikers 1945 Plus
Super Dodge Ball
Super Sidekicks
Super Sidekicks 2
Super Sidekicks 3
Syougi no Tatsujin
Tecmo World Soccer '96
The Last Blade
The Last Blade 2
The Super Spy
The Ultimate 2
Thrash Rally
Top Hunter
Top Player's Golf
Twinkle Star Sprites
View Point
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer
Waku Waku 7
Wind Jammers
World Heroes
World Heroes 2
World Heroes 2 Jet
World Heroes Perfect
Zed Blade

Snk Vs Capcom 2 Rom Neo Geo